Graph Theory is a Branch of Mathematics and My area of research is Graph Pebbling in Graph Theory. Graph pebbling is the study of whether pebbles from one set of vertices can be moved to another while pebbles are lost in the process. A number of variations on graph pebbling have been presented over the years.

The graph pebbling model was born as a method for solving a combinatorial number theory conjecture of Erdős and Lemke and has since been applied to problems in combinatorial group theory and p-adic diophantine equations. Related pebbling models have found applications in computational complexity, compiler theory, graph searching, sparse matrix factorization, and computational geometry. The subject has grown in the last two decades into a network optimization model for the transportation of consumable resources. For more information about pebbling number in graphs, kindly click here.

He published 22 research papers; 1 paper was accepted & 9 papers are submitted for publication. He had also attended 7 conferences / workshops / seminars at state / national / international levels.

One project each was completed in UG, PG, M. Phil and Ph.D courses respectively. The project titles are given below:
  1. Modeling of a Hen egg during incubation (Done in B. Sc., 2006)
  2. Matchings (Done in M. Sc., 2008)
  3. Superior domination and Detour domination in graphs (Done in M. Phil., 2009)
  4. Some extensions of pebbling number in graphs (Ph.D Project, 2010-2015)

The UG project was done under the guidance of Dr. R. Udhayakumar, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Gandhigram Rural University, Gandhigram.
The PG project was done under the guidance of Dr. S. K. Ayyaswamy (Retd.,), Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, St. Joseph's College (Autonomous), Trichy.
The M. Phil., project was done under the guidance of Dr. S. Athisayanathan, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, St. Xavier's College (Autonomous), Tirunelveli.
The Ph.D project was done under the guidance of Dr. A. Lourdusamy, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, St. Xavier's College (Autonomous), Tirunelveli.